Chapter 96 "The Clot"

Chapter 96 of the Holy Quran is named Ala'lq العلق which means "The Clot". It refers to a stage in human development in the womb. After fertilization the egg moves from the fallopian tube towrads the uterus. Implantation on the uterine wall occurs in a way that allows nutrient movement fromt the moteher to the baby. The Arabic word Ala'lq العلق refers to the developing egg as it hangs on the uterus wall. This Arabic word is derived from the Arabic root A' L Q (ع ل ق) which means "to hang or attach". Chapter 96 is the only chapter in the whole Holy Quran that has such a direct name to human creation.

Attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterine  tissues
Attachment of the fertilized egg on the uterine wall (adopted from Queen Mary university of London)

God says in verse number 2 of Chapter number 96:

khalak_alinsan_min_alak"Created man, out of a clot"

Let us consider these facts in the text:

  • This chapter has 19 verses. The Arabic alphabet consists of 28 letters. The number of unique Arabic letters in this chapter is 23 (i.e. repeated excluded), which is equal to the number of chromosome pairs humans have (called human haploid chromosome number).

    The 23 letters are: ( أ، ق، ر، ب، س، و، م، ك، ل، ذ، ي، خ، ن، ع، ط، غ، ه، ج، ت، د، ص، ف، ز )

  • The word God - "Allah" - الله -appears only once in this chapter: in verse number 14. This occurrence of the word God is the 2691st from Quran's beginning. This number, 2691, is divisible perfectly by human haploid chromosome number 23. It is equal to 23 x 117. This verse (number 14) with this occurrence is the 117th verse from the end of the Holy Quran. Even more interestingly is the fact that exactly 117 letters pass by in this chapter as the phrase "Verily, to thy Lord is the return (of all)" ends (in verse 8) (Arabic: إِنَّ إِلىٰ رَبِّكَ الرُّجعىٰ). This corresponds to what God says in other places in the Quran that in same manner He had created Man and put him on earth, He would bring him back to Him. Our origin is 23 pairs of chromosomes and 117 signifies the end state of being raised from the dead to meet Him. gfgfgf
  • This same occurrence of the word God - "Allah" - الله - is the 9th from the end of the Holy Quran (i.e. when counting from back). The interesting thing is that the 9th prime number in the universe is 23. Click here for a table of the first 1000 prime numbers in the universe.
  • In verse number 14, where the only word for God - "Allah" - الله - appears, the last letter of this word is the 14th letter in the verse. The special thing about the number 14 is that there are exactly 14 prime numbers smaller than the number 46 (human chromosome number). The number 46 itself is not a prime number (it is equal to 23 × 2). The 14th prime number in the universe is the number 43.

  • The word Ala'lq العلق "The Clot" appears only one time in this chapter and that in verse number 2. This word is the 9th word in this chapter. Again the 9th prime number in universe is 23. At the same time, this same word is the 64th word from the end of the chapter. The number 64 is the reversed form of the number 46 (human chromosome number). Reversing numbers in case of counting from back is supported by several studies and findings in the Holy Quran.
  • Giving each letter in this chapter a numerical value according to three distinct letter-value systems derived from the Quran and adding the values up gives three different numbers that all divide on their own perfectly by 23 (human haploid chromosme number). The letter-value systems are these:
    - One based on the names of God mentioned in the Holy Quran. The sum here is 2553 which is 23 x 3 x 37
    - Second based on Quranic letter-initial occurrences. The sum here is 1725 which is 23 x 3 x 5 x 5
    - And a third called Islamic Gommal (based on Quranic meanings). The sum here is 116035 which is 23 x 5 x 1009

    Link to file A table with all the total letter values (MS excel file)

    View image or illustration An image file with a screenshot of the table (PNG image)

  • Solid findings in the first chapter of the Holy Quran (called The Key or Opening, Arabic Al-fatiha, الفاتحه) support calculating number values for the letters based on their order of appearance inside the text. Let me simplify that for you using this example: The Word Allah الله (as written in English) consists of the letters A, L, L, A and H. The first letter to appear inside this word is A and thus gets the value 1. The second letter to appear is the letter L and gets accordingly the value 2. The letter L appears a second time inside this same word and it continues to be assigned the value 2 since it has been already established that the letter L is the second letter to apear inside this word. The 4th letter inside this word is A (value 1). The 5th letter of this word is H and it is the 3rd unique letter to appear inside the word and recieves therefor the value 3. We do exactly the same for the letters of this chapter (Chapter 96), starting form the first word Read, Arabic Iq'ra', إقرأ giving each letter a numerical value representing its order of appearance in the chapter.

    As we do this and reach the 9th word of this chapter, we would have figured out the values for the word Clot, Arabic A'lq, علق, as follows:

    Letter A' ع receives the value 8
    Letter L  ل receives the value 8
    Letter Q  ق receives the value 8

    The sum of the values for this central word is 23, a total sum that corresponds to human haploid chromosome number. Writing the same word in definite form using these same values gives a total of 32 (i.e. the reversed form of the number 23). As mentioned earlier, this method of assigning letters numerical values in this manner is supported by several studies of the Quranic text.

  • The number of words in this chapter is 72. The factors (simplest dividers) of the number 72 are the numbers 2 and 3. The number 72 is equal to 2^3 x 3^2. Pay attention how these factors, as written in standard and simplest way, resemble in form the numbers 23 and 32.
  • The word "Human being", Arabic: Alansn, الانسن appears 3 times in this chapter. This means that along with each occurrence of the word "Human being", Arabic: Alansn, الانسن, there are 23 other words.
  • As said earlier the word "The Clot", Arabic: Ala'lq, العلق is the 9th word in chapter and that this number relates to human haploid chromosome number. In the same manner, the positions of the 3 occurrences of  the word "Human being" (الانسن) in this chapter relate they too to human chromosome number*. These 3 occurrences of this word appear in positions: 7th, 17th and 22nd from chapters beginning. The total of these position numbers is 46 (human chromosome number).
    * The helping word Ma - ما in the 5th verse is treated as part of following word (as some researchers suggest).
  • Counting the words from the first occurrence of the word "Human being", Arabic: Alansn, الانسن in the chapter to the only occurrence of the word God, Arabic: Allah, الله shows that the number of words is 46. Counting the helping word "That or which", Arabic: Ma ما in the 5th verse as part of following word, shows that the word God, Arabic: Allah, الله is itself the 46th word. This means that the set of words confined by the first occurrence of the word "Human being", Arabic: Alansn, الانسن and the only occurence of the word God, Arabic: Allah, الله in the chapter consists of exactly 46 words.
  • There are 281 letters in this chapter, 230 of these are key-opening letters of the Holy Quran (Called Quranic initials: some chapters in the Quran begin with pure letters (not words) such as "ALM" or "TH" (الم)  or (طه) - No one is sure of the meaning or the purpose of these letters - They make 14 out of the total 28 letters in the Arabic alphabet). 51 letters in the chapter are of the remaining letters of the alphabet. Pay attention to how these numbers relate to human chromosome number:

    The number of Quranic initials' letters in this chapter is 230 which is 10 multiplied by human haploid chromosome number 23.

    In addition, letter total can be expressed in the following way:

    5 x 46 = 230  and  5 + 46 = 51   Total is 281
    Noteworthy is that the fifth word in this chapter is "Created" Khalak - (خلق) - meaning  in verse 2

    Important studies and findings suggest that the 14 letters constituting the Quranic initials relate repeatedly to the linguistic and mathematical structure of verses and chapters. For example, at the same time that the first chapter of the Holy Quran (called The Key or Opening, Arabic Al-Fatiha, الفاتحه) consists of a total of 139 letters (139 is a prime number), 119 letters of those are actually letters appearing in the Quranic initials (the 14 letters). The number 119 is divisible perfectly by 7, which is a key miracle number in the Holy Quran and in Scripture. 119 is equal to 7 x 17. The number 17 is equal to the number of obligatory daily Rakaat of Al-Salah (Prayer) in Islam. Accordingly, and as inspired and revealed to Prophet Muhammad peace upon him, the first chapter of the Holy Quran (Al-Fatiha) is read at least 17 times in a day.

  • As said in last point there are 230 letters in this chapter from the Quranic initials. A standard method in Quranic numerical research is writing under each word in verse/chapter the number of Quranic initials' letters it has and putting all values side by side right-to-left (as Arabic language is). Applying this procedure to this chapter gives the number:


    This number divides perfectly by 46 (human chromosme number). Taking the result of division, reversing it, we get a number that divides perfectly by 83. Number 83 is the 23rd prime number in universe. Again 23 is human haploid chromosme number.

    The original number (in blue) divides also by:
    31 : number 46 is the 31st composite number in universe.
    11 : the 11th prime number in universe is the number 31.


- The Holy Quran (Read it in Arabic and in your language at the Online Quran Project)
- Chromosome, Prime & composite numbers, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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