First revealed verses of the Holy Quran

The first revealed verses of the Holy Quran are the first five verses of chapter number 96 named "The Clot" - Alalq' - العلق. It's the only chapter with a name with direct reference to Human creation. God says in this chapter and in other places in the Holy Quran that He has created humans from a clot (the Arabic word Alalq' - العلق refers to something that is  hanging on  a place - the zygote hangs after egg fertilization on the wall of the uterus)  The first revealed occurrences of the words Human and Clot in the Holy Quran appear in verse number 2 of this chapter. Here are the the first 2 verses of chapter 96. The word "Human being" الإنسن is in red and the word "Clot" علق in orange. The verses are preceded by the unnumbered opening verse of the Quran.

Ch 96 verses 1 and 2
"In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful"
"RECITE thou, in the name of thy Lord who created; - "
"Created man, out of a clot of congealed blood"

An important feature of the fertilized human egg in the uterus is the chromosomes that are found at cell nuclei. Different species have different number of chromosomes;  Bees have for example 32 chromosomes while a bird like Hoopoe has as many as 126 chromosomes. These chromosomes direct cell division, embryonic development and the functioning of the human body across the whole life span.  Can it be that reference to human chromosome number is made here?! Humans have a total chromosme number of 46 (called diploid chromosme number). These are arranged in 23 pairs (called haploid chromosme number).

The answer is firmly yes. Let's consider these facts:

  • Counting the letters starting at opening verse and up to the word "Human being" - Alansn - الإنسن in verse 2 we find that the last letter of this word, letter noon ن is the 46th letter. This corresponds to human diploid chromosome number. Note that this letter is the last letter of the first revealed occurrence of the word "Human" - الإنسن.
  • Counting only the letters making the word "Human being" - الإنسن (Letters Alef, Lam, Noon and Seen) we find that this same letter is the 23rd such letter. This corresponds to human haploid chromosome number.
  • This letter (the last letter in the word "Human being" - الإنسن) is the 9th in verse. The special thing about number 9 is that the 9th prime number in universe is the number 23. Prime numbers: are natural numbers (1,2,3,4,5..) that are divisible only by themselves and one. The first few primes are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13.. Prime numbers are building blocks of the Holy Quran as established by numerous findings in the Quranic text.
  • Letter Alef ا is of special  importance since it's the first revealed letter. In many places in the Quran it's a mark of numerical phenomena. Here we find that the number of Alef letters up to and including the Alef letters in the word "Human being" - Alansn - الإنسن is 9 letters.
  • In the same manner of counting the letters making the word "The Human" up to and including that word, we do the same with the word "The Clot" - Aalq' - العلق counting the letters making this word (Letters Alef, Lam, A'in and Qaf). Doing so we find that the last letter of this word letter Qaf ق is the 23rd letter.
  • Counting the letters making the word "Clot" - Alq' - علق (in indefinite form i.e letetrs A'in, Lam and Qaf) up  to and including this word we find that the last letter of this word, letter Qaf ق, is 14th letter. The special thing about the number 14 is that there are 14 prime numbers up to the number 46 (which is not a prime itself).
  • The last letter of the word "The Clot" - Aalq' - العلق letter Qaf ق is the 14th in verse. As said earlier, there are 14 prime numbers up to the number 46 (which is not a prime itself).
  • The word "Clot" - Alq' - علق is the 9th in chapter and the 64th from the end of the chapter. The number 64 is the reversed form of the number 46 (human chromosme number). Reversing numbers in this manner when counting from back is supported by similar studies elsewhere in the Quran.
  • Counting the letters making the word "Human being" - Alansn - الإنسن from chapters beginning excluding the opening verse we find that the first letter in this word is the 9th and that the last letter of this word is the 14th. Numbers 9 and 14 are of special importance as mentioned above. At the same time we find that the sum of letter positions 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 = 69 which is equal to 23 × 3.
  • Counting the letters making the word "Clot" - Alq' - علق from chapters beginning excluding the opening verse we find that the three letters making this word appear in positions 8th, 9th and 10th. The total is 27 whic is equal to 9 × 3. Again, the 9th prime number in universe is 23 (human haploid chromosome number).
  • Letter Alef ا appears in these positions in the first verse (again, the first revealed verse of the Quran and the one that opens chapter "The Clot"): 1st, 4th, 6th and 12th. The sum of these position numbers is exacly 23.
  • The Alef letters in verse number two are those two Alef letters in the word "Human being" - Alansn - الإنسن. These letters appear in positions 22nd and 24th from chapter's beginning. The total is 46 which is human chromosme number.
  • Giving each letter a value according to its order of appearance in these two verses and writing the word "Clot" - Alq' - علق using these values gives a total of 23 = 13 + 8 + 2. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes. Note that 23 + 9 (the position of this word in this chapter) = 32. Up to and including the letters of this word there are 32 letters. 32 is the reversed form of the number 23 (human haploid chromosme number).

The Holy Quran - Revelation of Allah - Jehovah God King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Glorious Quran
Wikipedia - The free encyclopedia - Prime numbers - Composite numbers - Chromosomes



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