Endless Miracle of the First Chapter - Part II

In this article I will continue to present the mathematical and structural wonders of the first chapter of the Holy Quran. The first chapter of the Holy Quran is of central importance since it is recited at least 17 times each day in the 5 prayers. It summarizes the whole Muslim faith. In fact, it summarizes all the thoughts and teachings of God's prophets. It is equal to the whole Holy Quran, as can be read in one of prophet Muhammad sayings. Here is the first chapter followed by English translation:

First chapter of teh Holy Quran - Named "The Key"

"In the name of God, The Compassionate, The Merciful; Praise be to God; the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds(a); The Compassionate, The Merciful; Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee do we worship, and thine aid do we seek. Show us the straight way; The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, Those whose portion is not wrath, And who go not astray."

(a) All creation

Mahematical and structural studies of this chapter show that there are incredible mathematical systems that guide the structuring of its 120 letters (139 when counting the opening verse as an integral part).

Please have a look at part I of this study by folowing this link:


In the first part of this study I have presented 10 facts. Let us resume the research!

Fact 11

As we have seen in the early presented facts key letters are distributed in interesting ways related to the number 7. Here and in the next facts we will focus further on the letters of this chapter. Arabic alphabet (the language the Holy Quran is revealed in) consists of 28 letters. This number is equal to 7 × 4. When examining the the first chapter of the Holy Quran we find that its words are written using 21 unique Arabic letters (i.e. repeated excluded). This number is also divisible by 7 since it is equal to 7 × 3. Here are the 21 letters found in the first chapter of the Holy Quran: 


Arabic letters in first chapter of the Holy Quran


Fact 12

And when counting only the letters that appear in the mysterious Quranic initials (such as Alef, Lam, Meem of ch. 2 or Yam Seen of ch. 36) we see that all the Quranic initials are used in this chapter. This means there are 14 Quranic initials in this chapter a number that is divisible by 7 (14 = 7 × 2). Here are the 14 letters making the Quranic initials:


Letters of Quranic initials in the first chapter of the Holy Quran


Fact 13

The number of these initials' letters including their repetitions in the first chapter of the Holy Quran is 119 which is equal to  7 × 17.

Fact 14

We continue the exploration of the mathematical structure of t he first chapter of the Holy Quran and now using cumulative sum method. What we do is to count the letters making each word of this chapter and sum them up as we move to the next word.

cumulative sum - chapter one of the Holy Quran (with opening verse)

We take then all the values and put them as ususal side by side right-to-left to get a huge number (69 digits) that is divisible by 7.

The same is done to this same chapter without the opening verse: 

cumulative sum - chapter one of the Holy Quran (without opening verse)

This number too (57 digits) is divisible by 7 (in fact it is divisible by 7 three times!).

Fact 15

Expressing each verse by a) its number b) number of words c) number of letters and putting the values side by side gives yet another huge number that is divisble by 7. (the numbers are arranged right-to-left as Arabic language is)

verse number, number of words and number of letters

The number is 43107183619551134122317421941 and it is equal to 7 ×  6158169088507304874616774563

Fact 16

The chapter that comes right after the first chapter in the Holy Quran is chap. 2 which is named "The heifer". This chapter is the longest one in the Holy Quran and it is initiated by one of the mysterious Quranic initials Alef, Lam and Meem (الم - the three letters in Arabic A, L and M). This means that the verse that follows the opening chapter is the verse "Alef, Lam, Meem". Here are the first few verses of chap. 2:

" (1) Alef, Lam, Meem (2) No doubt is there about this Book: It is a guidance to the God-fearing, (3) Who believe in the unseen, who observe prayer, and out of what we have bestowed on them, expend for God; (4) And who believe in what hath been sent down to thee, and in what hath been sent down before thee, and full faith have they in the life to come: (5) These are guided by their Lord; and with these it shall be well. "

Original text revealed in Arabic:

" الم ﴿١﴾ ذَٰلِكَ الْكِتَابُ لَا رَيْبَ ۛ فِيهِ ۛ هُدًى لِّلْمُتَّقِينَ ﴿٢﴾ الَّذِينَ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِالْغَيْبِ وَيُقِيمُونَ الصَّلَاةَ وَمِمَّا رَزَقْنَاهُمْ يُنفِقُونَ ﴿٣﴾ وَالَّذِينَ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِمَا أُنزِلَ إِلَيْكَ وَمَا أُنزِلَ مِن قَبْلِكَ وَبِالْآخِرَةِ هُمْ يُوقِنُونَ ﴿٤﴾أُولَـٰئِكَ عَلَىٰ هُدًى مِّن رَّبِّهِمْ ۖ وَأُولَـٰئِكَ هُمُ الْمُفْلِحُونَ ﴿٥﴾ "

The Quranic initials are one of the most mysterious aspects of the Holy Quan since they consist of Arabic letter without signifying any semantic meanings. They are the ultimate challenge and researchers all over the word try to discover their ultimate purpose and meaning. Some researchers have already pointed to numerical systems and phenomena relating to these letters but they think that much remains to be discovered. The first chapter of the Holy Quran has 59 Alef, Lam or Meem letters. Number 59 is a prime number - it's the 17th prime number in universe. The distribution of these 59 letters is also interesting. Here are the words of the first chapter along with the numbe of Alef, Lam, Meem letters in them:

The words of the first chapter of the Holy Quran each word is represented by the number of Alef, Lam and Meem letters in it (the letters of the Quranic initial coming right after the first chapter)

Putting the values side by side right-to-left provides a 31 digit number:

(opening verse values are underlined)

This number is divisible by 7 since it is equal to 7 × 600328888631717146017620033333 (prime number). The number representing the opening chapter without the opening verse is not divisible by 7 but still divisible perfectly by key miracle number 19:


It is equal to 19 × 22117380107484315905912317

Fact 17

As mentioned in the previous fact there are 59 Alef, Lam and Meem letters in the first chapter of the Holy Quran. These three letters appear this number of times in the first chapter:

22 Alef letters
22 Lam letters
15 Meem letters

No matter how we put these numbers side by side they are all divisible by 7.

152222 = 7 × 21746
221522 = 7 × 31646
222215 = 7 × 31745

Fact 18

The number of occurrences of all letters of this chapter show interesting phenomena. Consider this table that has the letters used in the first chapter arranged from most used to less used (right-to-left as Arabic language is) with the number of occurrences under each letter:


Letters of the opening chapter and their occurrences


Putting these values side by side we get a 26 digit number that is divisble by 7.
It is equal to 7 × 1603176192065097302021746

Fact 19

Some may claim that this is a mere coincidenc, but the same can be observed when examining the opening verse by itself. Here are the 10 letters that make the opening verse alonf with the number of times each letter appears in the opening verse:


Letters of the opening verse and their occurrences


Putting these values side by side we get a 10 digit number that is divisble by 7 two times!
1111122334 = 7 × 158731762

Fact 20

Let's see further evidence for the thoughtful structuring of the first chapter of the Holy Quran. We use now the values of letter occurrecnes in the whole first chapter to represent key words. The next table shows the letters making the word Quran (القرءان) along with their number of occurrence in the first chapter:


Word "Quran" represented by letter occurrences in the first chapter of the Holy Quran


The values side by side right-to-left provide this number 1122812222 which is equal to 7 × 160401746.
* n/a since hamza ( ء ) is not a letter in Arabic language.

Fact 21

We do the same with the name of the first chapter. It is called Al fatiha (the opening or key) الفاتحه. Here is the table:


Word "Opening" - Fatiha - with letter occurrences in the first chapter of the Holy Quran


The values side by side right-to-left provide this number 5532202222 which is equal to 19 × 291168538. Instead of representing the letter F ( ف ) by zero - since it does not appear in the first chapter -, we don't represent it at all to get the number 553222222 which is equal to 7 × 79031746.

Fact 22

As can be seen in the table under fact 18 the first letter in chapter one, letter Ba ( ب ), appears 4 times in whole chapter while the last one in chapter, letter Noon ( ن ), appears 11 times. Putting these two values side by side right-to-left provides the number 114 which is equal to the number of chapters in the Holy Quran and is equal to 19 × 6. This suits nicely with he saying of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) that the first chapter of the Holy Quran is equal to the whole Quran.

Fact 23

It is not only the letters of the first chapter that show interesting distributions. The Shadda sign (emphasis sign) that signify a emphasised (dobbel) consonant in Arabic language is placed according to some interesting mathematical systems. Some words in Arabic language have one or two emhasis signs that signify vocal emphasis when speaking, a thing that is similar to some other scriptural languages such as Hebrew (as in the Torah - Old testament). Let's consider these facts:

» There are 14 emphasis signs in this chapter. 14 is equal to 7 × 2

» Representing each verse by the number of emphasis signs in it and putting the values side by side right-to-left provides the number 3121223 which is equal to 7 × 445889

7 6 5 4 3 2 1
3 1 2 1 2 2 3

»The really interesting thing is that the distribution of those 14 emphasis signs on the 31 words of the first chapter of the Holy Quran is built by key miracle number 7. As we did previously with key letters, we write under each word how many emphsis signs there are in it:

The words of the first chapter of the Holy Quran each word is represented by the number of Shaddas (emphasis signs) in it

The resulting number of putting these values side by side right-to-left is:


This number is divisible by 7. It's equal to 7 × 285714287144287144428728728730


The incredible thing about all what have been mentioned so far is that all those mathematical phenomena are seen in the same 139 letters making the opening chapter of the Holy Quran, a chapter that expresses all the main themes in Muslim belief and which is written in flawless, top quality & challenging Arabic language.

Let's see what God says in chapter 25 (The Criterion - الفرقان) of the Holy Quran:

"(4) And the infidels say, "This Koran is a mere fraud of his own devising, and others have helped him with it, who had come hither by outrage and lie." (5) And they say, "Tales of the ancients that he hath put in writing! and they were dictated to him morn and even." (6) SAY: He hath sent it down who knoweth the secrets of the Heavens and of the Earth. He truly is the Gracious, the Merciful."

"وَقَالَ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوٓا۟ إِنْ هَـٰذَآ إِلَّآ إِفْكٌ ٱفْتَرَىٰهُ وَأَعَانَهُۥ عَلَيْهِ قَوْمٌ ءَاخَرُونَ ۖ فَقَدْ جَآءُو ظُلْمًا وَزُورًا * وَقَالُوٓا۟ أَسَـٰطِيرُ ٱلْأَوَّلِينَ ٱكْتَتَبَهَا فَهِىَ تُمْلَىٰ عَلَيْهِ بُكْرَةً وَأَصِيلًا * قُلْ أَنزَلَهُ ٱلَّذِى يَعْلَمُ ٱلسِّرَّ فِى ٱلسَّمَـٰوَ‌ٰتِ وَٱلْأَرْضِ ۚ إِنَّهُۥ كَانَ غَفُورًا رَّحِيمًا  

Much more to come under this topic. Please visit this page later !


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