A sperm-drop mixture


Humans have a diploid chromosome number of 46. All body cells have this number of chromosomes except the gametes (the sperm and the egg) which have a haploid number of 23. As the egg gets fertilized by the sperm the number of chromosomes becomes 46. Different species have different number of chromosomes (elephants have for example 56 chromosomes). Human chromosome number was discovered in the year 1955 by modern technology.

In the Holy Quran there are many hints to this number, along to the number of chromosomes bees and hoopoe bird have. Kindly see related articles.


God says in verse number two of chapter 76 named "Human being" Alansn (pronounced: Al Insan) (Arabic: الإنسن):

Chapter 76 verse 2
Verily We created Man(a) from a sperm-drop mixture, in order to try him: So We gave him (the gifts), of Hearing and Sight

The phrase of interest here is نطفة أمشاج (Notfatan Amshag) which means "sperm-drop mixture". Describing sperm this way might refer to the make up of a sperm cell of congealed protein structures or to the sperm as it fertilizes and unites with the egg. This phrase is built of 9 Arabic letters. Below is a table with these nine letters and with the number of occurrences of each letter in the whole chapter (Chap. 76 - Human being): 

a drop on mingled sperm - letter occurrences in chapter 76

Adding up these occurrence values gives 690 which is divisible by human diploid chromosome number 46 perfectly. Dividing this number by human diploid chromosome number gives 15. The 15th word in this chapter is the word من (Min) which means "from" or "of". It precedes the phrase of interest "sperm-drop mixture" نطفة أمشاج. Pay attention to the way the position of this word and the phrase that succeeds it relate. Humans are created "of" (15) x "sperm-drop mixture" (46) which gives the total value of the phrase "sperm-drop mixture", for the whole chapter, which is 690.

(a) The Arabic word is الإنسن (alansn) which means "Human being" with no specification of gender at all.


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